Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Soul Collective Channel 2013: "The World Order" and entering 2014

First Channeled Message: Feb 2013
Today we will start with the some basics about the World Order of things.  There are differences amongst people that are keeping us apart.  We must make the effort to look past this and into the soul and unite.  The soul is a collective.  Together we can accomplish great things.  Collectively we beat as one.  And it is only through this unified state that we can gain a new level of Universal Consciousness.  We need to let go of the ego to see the light within us all.  First and foremost we must learn to listen and see the Truth.  We are Spirit in human form waiting to be free to love unconditionally.  It is time to lift the veil between the two worlds.  To unite all Spirit as love.  This center of our being and core of all existence is finding a rhythm, one heartbeat.  Make this known to all.  Those who fear loneliness will feel the rhythm fill the emptiness and re-connect our core.  This is the way of the World Order.  Goodbye for now.

Soul Collective Channeled Message Dec 29th, 2013:

We have come to guide you out of suffering.  For that which you see is not “real” as you would say.  The reality is that which is beyond the veil of fog.  The reality is All That Is, it is this energy you call Love, this energy we resonate with as one rhythm.  Your “reality” is but a mere fraction, an illusion within the whole.  You are not able to conceive what is possible within the dense limitations.  You gain an idea of the limitless possibilities when you experience “enlightenment” and such.  You are approaching the threshold of World Illumination, the point at which enough beings of the denser realm have found the path within, have illuminated their souls within the human form, and have “lit up” the Earth existence so that all will see.  Some will fear and hide but the light leaders will assist in finding the new direction, the way to greater Joy and connection.

It is like a matrix, a grid of light, growing brighter and cascading throughout the panes, lighting all connected as a domino effect, so to speak.

The support in our realm, in the Upper Realm, is growing stronger.  We are focusing more on raising the energy for the Earth plane to assist with the Big Awakening.  The Awakening has begun and soon it will be bigger than you can understand.  The beings of light and Master Guides are forming a vortex to transmit the necessary vibrations of assistance for the Lightworkers.  Welcome to the New Year.
Keep your channel open and be ready to receive vast downloads of information.  There is much to be revealed and shared as we ascend upon the New Earth.

Physically you will feel lighter as the vibration rises and your bodies become that of more light.  You will begin to feel as though you are “walking on air” at times, as indeed you will be as your expansion grows.  Your abilities will strengthen to exist in more realities, to be conscious of more realities, more dimensions, and travel outside the body while still connected.  You will see great lights in the sky as we enter the New Year.  Do not fear.  Behold, the New World is upon us.  Follow the light inside.


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