Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Soul Collective Channel 01/23/14: The New Era of 2014

Now, in this moment of "time", you are being called to speak your Truth.  As you unleash the potentials within, the powers of your soul incarnate, you will spread light amongst the Planet Earth and bring humanity into a new realm of existence…an existence where visions are reality, where thoughts manifest at the higher realms and transition into your realm more quickly than before.  You are the Creator, as One, you will create like never before.  You will gather as a Unified society soon to transform lives and reality.
There will be some turbulence at first, as if a storm is rolling through as dark clouds enter and lightning strikes, as the unified voices cry out more for change.  As the awakened souls unite, the light will illuminate the Truth, the Truth of I AM, the Truth of what lies above, beyond the veil, that of harmony, love and a peaceful existence.  This light will wash away the darkness, as an ocean wave washes away a sand castle to merge with the collective.  All will merge into the light and the Planet will once again be whole.

What we ask of you now is to listen, to go within, to hear the cry of your soul, to honor the quest of your soul.  Allow your soul to enter your human vessel and guide you now.  For it is within the depth of silence that you will hear the loudest Truth of what is, what has been, and what always will be.  The Truth of the Universe, the Truth of reality.
Many of you still see only the illusion as conditioning in your lifetimes has altered your direction, thrown you off course from the Divine Order of the World.  Now is the time to restore the Divine Order.  Now is the time to listen, to hear, Trust, and take that leap of Faith from the denser side to that of greater light, greater love, higher vibration and inter-dimensional coherence.

2014, my Dear Ones, truly is the Birth of a New Era.  It is the Birthing of the True You, re-birthing of the Inner Light, Christ Consciousness and Mother/ Father Earth.
The energies are quickly aligning for a dimensional shift to occur.  The divine feminine energies are coming into balance with the male energies to create the Divine Union which will birth the New reality, a more Awakened reality.  Separation is closing in, unity is taking form.  Watch now, Dear Ones, as the magic appears.  For you will see your old reality of separation and perceived duality transform to Oneness and balance.  The fears and false beliefs that remain will dissolve as you see you truly are loved and valued in all ways, at all times.  Compassion will unfold more completely as connection and unity amongst all is realized. 

2014 is the opening of the eyes of the newly birthed New Era World.  It is as when a newborn baby opens his or her eyes for the first time to see the magnificence all around.  Things may look confusing and overwhelming at first.  There will be an adjustment process.  There will be a transition period in which the harmony balances and frequencies rise.  Transition and change can be challenging for some as they feel stuck in old beliefs that no longer serve.  But the veil will lift and the light revealed.

The Lightworkers that are on Earth now have chosen to be there to assist in the transition of the Awakening.  They will help others see the new reality more clearly, help others learn the way, to understand the magic of the “God Light” and reveal the light within.  All must come to know and see that each of you are beings of great love and light, capable of magnificent feats.
Brothers and Sisters unite.  Those of you who see the Truth and light are called to be a beacon for others to find their way into the Divine light of their soul and the new reality of the World.  It is time for all to awaken. 

In 2014 more eyes will open than ever before.

That is all for now.  Thank you.

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